Sunday 7 October 2012

Anna & Peter

The main characters of The Declaration are Anna Convey and Peter.

Anna  Convey – The protagonist of the story, she lives as a ‘perfect Surplus’ – always obeying the rules, and being fully indoctrinated in the lies she is fed at Grange Hall. She never questions her role in life, and only strives to become a Valuable Asset to pay back her debt to society until Peter came along.  She transforms and starts questioning everything, starts thinking about things (which is dangerous for a surplus) and learns about things outside of the education of Grange Hall. She develops well within the novel, as she constantly struggles on whether to believe Peter and everything that goes against the Declaration. She then finally reaches a strong resolution to follow Peter out of Surplus Hall to live and find a better life.  

Peter – His last name is one that is subjected to spoilers, so for the sake of the people that haven’t read the Declaration, it will not be mentioned. Peter arrives to Grange Hall like a hurricane, unprecedented and dangerous. He is a bold and courageous, challenging the rules of the Grange Hall at any possible chance, regardless of the brutal consequences. Also, relentlessly trying to convince Anna that she has a life outside of Grange Hall and her parents (whom she grows up to hate) love her. He strongly believes that Longevity is a evil drug that should be estinguished.
“Because no one needs to live for ever. I think that sometimes you can outstay your welcome.”  ― Gemma Malley The Declaration
He doesn’t change much as a person, although that can’t be said for the sequel of the book, The Resistance.  However, it can be considered that Peter acted this way, because he had loved Anna and her parents, who had taken care of him. He fights for what he believes in strongly and doesn’t take no for an answer. His behaviour throughout this can also be because Anna’s parents had told him so much about Anna, that through the novel, it is mentioned once that he had thought of them as friends before they had even met.

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